Who We Are
Elizabeth House provides women with children in the San Francisco Bay Area with a variety of critical program services to help them on the road to self-sufficiency, including:
-Safe, affordable housing and nutritious meals
-Individualized case management services and mental health counseling
-Housing advocacy support
-Education and employment services
-Health and wellness education
Here at Elizabeth House, we believe that we can make the greatest impact on the lives of our residents by focusing on what we do best and collaborating with other high-quality programs to provide additional support. Through the generosity of a large volunteer corps, collaborations with local service providers and the generosity of free or low cost training by professionals in various life-service fields, we are able to provide our residents with necessary ‘extras.’

Elizabeth House residents pay a modest monthly program fees, approximately 30% of their income, to includes utilities and most food needs. Families live at the House for an average stay of 18 months. We provide an environment of dignity and equality, emphasizing that this is their home.
Education at Elizabeth House is focused on both the women residents and their children. Many adult residents are students themselves, finishing up requirements for their high school diploma or GED certificate or post-secondary education programs. The children living at Elizabeth House attend school daily.
Elizabeth House offers one-to-one assistance to support residents as they work to obtain or improve their employment situations. Available assistance includes individual job search support, access to soft- and hard- skills training through relationships with local job training sites, and financial assistance with child care, transportation, or any other potential obstacles to employment.
Elizabeth House provides groceries for community dinners Mondays through Thursdays, with all adult residents and staff members preparing meals in turn. Good nutrition is a priority, especially because many residents are predisposed to diabetes and heart disease.
Who Qualifies for Oakland Elizabeth House?
- Women, ages 18 or over; with children ages 0 months to 11 years old – maximum 3 children – Family size accepted varies according to available space Source of Verifiable Income Priority to Alameda County resident Domestic Violence Victim: DV Support and counseling in place for family, 6 months since last contact with abuser Substance Abuse: 6 months minimum clean and sober, participation in a residential treatment program, actively maintaining sobriety attending outside meetings and counseling
How Do Women Come to Oakland Elizabeth House?
- Women are referred to us by Alameda County Social Services, Alameda County Superior Courts, Alameda County Family Justice Center, 211, various community based organizations, and word of mouth. There’s a 3 step process for intake at Oakland Elizabeth House. First step is to call (510) 658-1380 for an initial phone interview. Second step is to have a face to face interview with OEH Staff. The third step is to have an interview with the current residents living at Oakland Elizabeth House. Criteria to move into Oakland Elizabeth House includes: the mother and family situation, family size, ages/gender of children, outside support services, and ability to meet the expected benchmarks. If Oakland Elizabeth House is full, the prospective resident will be added on our waitlist.
How Long Can Women Stay at Elizabeth House?
- A family participates and lives at Oakland Elizabeth House up to 24 months, provided the woman is actively working to meet the program benchmarks and the family is participating in Oakland Elizabeth House activities and programs.
How Many People Live at Oakland Elizabeth House?
- We can accommodate up to 10 families any one time, (a mother with 1-3 children share a bedroom). We do have some families where the mother and children are reunifying. Typically, we house from up to 16 children at any one time.
Non-Discrimination Policy
Our organization does not, by policy or practice, discriminate against any person or group on the basis of race, color, religion, gender, sexual orientation, national origin, age, disability, gender identity and expression, marital or military status, or based on any individual’s status in any group or class protected by applicable federal, state or local law.